This Article examines the checkered history of local rules in the state and federal courts. Part I sketches the development of local rule-making power. Part II focuses on the abuses that have resulted from a nonuniform procedural system. It concludes that the most serious consequence of that abuse - an increase in court costs and delay - has not been addressed adequately by the courts. Part III explores ways in which the local rules problem can be brought under control. Although a number of proposals are discussed, the purpose of this section is to present the approach recently undertaken by the state of Colorado as a model for other states seeking to ease the burden of local rules on the practicing bar. It is hoped that a comparison of the Colorado plan with other approaches will provide insight for those legislators and judges around the country interested in implementing local rules reform.
Recommended Citation
William H. Erickson,
Colorado's Answer to the Local Rules Problem,
U. Mich. J. L. Reform
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