This series contains faculty-authored court briefs by Michigan Law faculty.


Submissions from 2022


Brief of Amicus Curiae Conference of Chief Justices in Support of Neither Party, Moore v. Harper, No. 21-1271 (U.S. Sept. 6, 2022), Evan Caminker, Carter G. Phillips, Virginia A. Seitz, and Kathleen M. Mueller

Submissions from 2021


Brief for Plaintiff-Appellee, Carroll v. Trump, No. 20-3977 (2nd Cir. Apr. 16, 2021), Leah Litman, Roberta A. Kaplan, Joshua A. Matz, and Raymond P. Tolentino

Submissions from 2003


Brief for Respondents, Grutter v. Bollinger, 539 US 306 (2003) (No. 02-241)., Maureen E. Mahoney, Evan Caminker, Marvin Krislov, Jonathan Alger, Philip J. Kessler, Leonard M. Niehoff, J. Scott Ballenger, Nathaniel A. Vitan, John H. Pickering, John Payton, Brigida Benitez, Stuart Delery, Craig Goldblatt, Anne Harkavy, and Terry A. Maroney