

George W. Bates


The commissioners on Uniform State Laws have just filed their fourth Biennial Report to the Legislature of Michigan. This Conference is a body composed of representatives of each State, Territory and Federal possession, who meet in annual conference under a permanent organization commonly designated the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. The twenty-sixth annual meeting was held in Chicago last August. The commissioners consist very largely of lawyers and judges of standing and experience and of law teachers from some of the principal law schools. There are usually three representatives from each State or Territory, appointed for terms of three to five years, generally by the governor or chief executive, pursuant to statutes, which authorize the appointed commissioners to confer with the commissioners from other States and Territories for the purpose of drafting and recommending bills and measures to promote uniformity in State laws on subjects where uniformity seems practicable and desirable, such as bills and notes, sales, partnership, execution and proof of deeds and wills, taxation, warehouse receipts, marriage and divorce.
