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Who ever learned to negotiate from a book? Probably no one, and one who seeks the kernel of wisdom which will make him an expert negotiator, who seeks the password for admittance to the negotiator's sanctum sanctorum-that person will hunt in vain through the pages of Mr. Hermann's book. I do not mean to suggest either that Mr. Hermann has withheld something in his power to reveal or that he has explicitly promised such a revelation. Rather, I suggest a flaw either in our perception and analysis or in our verbal skills. One of them, probably our perception and analysis, is not sufficiently developed for us to comprehend and communicate the essence of an art as complex as that of negotiation. Perhaps another twenty or fifty years of research by psychologists and psychiatrists will give us the tools to dissect a man's personality and isolate those factors which make him a good manipulator of other people. Until that time these factors will have to pass under the nondiscriminate, unhelpful names of ability and judgment.
