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The cases appearing in this volume have been selected for use in connection with the lecture on Suretyship given in the Law Department of the University of Michigan. Barring omission of irrelevant matter in some instances and of the briefs and arguments of counsel in all instances, the cases appear in this volume as they appear in the reports themselves. Uniformity in spelling and punctuation has not been attempted or thought desirable. In regard to these matters, the report have been followed, except in cases of manifest error.

The purpose has been to put into the hand of the student taking the course in Suretyship in this University a limited number of cases which will serve to illustrate and, in some measure, to supplement the lectures on that subject. Some cases have been selected for the forms and suggestions they furnish in the practical work of preparing bonds and such other instruments as pertain to the general subject - such work being a material feature of the course. Such a volume as this would not be necessary were it possible for students to consult the reports themselves in season to prepare the work required of them. The great number of students attending the Law Department of this University puts that possibility out of question, and that, too. despite the very complete Law Library so arranged as to afford the best means for its largest use.

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George Wahr


Ann Arbor, Michigan


Casebooks, Suretyship, Cases, University of Michigan Law School, Law students, Curriculum


Contracts | Insurance Law | Legal Education

Cases on Guaranty and Suretyship
